Update on The Wife of a Supreme Court Justice Who Tried to Throw The Government and Israel

This place is so bad, I want to run to North Korea like the Soldier

No matter where you stand politically we do have a government that does not work perfectly but it works. Why do I say that? If you keep informed of what is going on in the world our system of government is pretty good. Take the government of Israel long held as the only democracy in the Middle East. Well, no more. In order to have any sort of democracy you need the people on top to be accountable. It does not mean when you ask for something you get it and it doesn't mean it listens to you sometimes. But you have the right with people like you to get rid of the government through elections and appointments of those you get elected.

But the main thing is you can change the government. No, is not easy but as you know, Particularly gay folks there is not just one of anything. So whatever you feel there is a bunch of people that feel like just like you do. So in politics, you or someone like you get those people together to form what some call a coalition to get another government within the law. 

Israel won't be a  democracy anymore because the people on the top do not have checks and balances like we do in the U.S. and other democracies like Canada, the UK, France, Mexico, Spain, and many others. The top people in the government can be replaced without a coup.

Israel only had the Supreme Court to keep the Executive(Prime Minister and the people around him) within the law. The Trump three kings as I call them, Netanyahu of Israel., Putin of Russia and the "fat rocket guy in North Korea". Trump love those guys because they had power like a king. No matter that in Israel it was in a continuous war since its inception, Putin..you know, and the fat little guy in North Korea, the family is a dynasty since WW2 ended. Grandfather, Father, and son.

So in Israel if the Prime Minister does something illegal but not outright illegal. Something like appointing the prosecutor who might be his buddy and his name to that position. So the Supreme Court says No, that does not sound right. So You take the power of the Supreme Court to say when The Prime Minister does something the Supreme Court cannot undo it. They have no congress like we do. We have 3 legs on the governments with equal powers to check on each other. That is called Checks and balances and that is what makes a democracy, Israel no more unless President Biden Pressures "Bibi" to hold his horses. Biden is got things Bibi wants.

Alright so now I discussed what democracy is what we discover is if are wealthy very well-off people in the government or connected to it we can bring those people in charge because the laws are there to try them in court.

I know the Tittle Talks about the Genie as one of the people in this gang. But why you might ask?, She is full of rage because her husband was accused of sexual harassment. Still, that's no excuse but some of these people saw themselves not as close to looser as they have become but the fathers of a new nation. 

Another revolution. Really naive thinking particularly in a country with the mightiest armed forces and nukes. Do you think all these people who had people's families dying to keep this nation what it is are going to say yeah, you be the boss until you die?

There is much we need to be done but when I say that there are many people that say we have already done too much but I'm talking about defining a more equitable way we live. This is just an introduction to things that will come and I will keep you posted.
