Cluster Bombs for Ukraine and Biden Come Lately

Cluster bombs coming out of the casing in mid-air
These are Cluster Bombs; 

Why is it ok for Russia to be using Cluster Bombs but Ukraine's invaded by Russia then is inhumane? So for Russia is o for Ukraine is inhumane. Even when they show Clips of the bombs and what they do they showed it name Half a century ago but Why not For Russia happening right now. Why is there no criticism of Russia? This is what burns people that are fair and humane seeing very inhumane media, particularly from Europe but the Main Channels in the US have kept silent. If it was their nation who used those bombs against Vietnam, Saigon, Why not criticize a country that invaded a peaceful country and wants to break it up but is ok to criticize a decision that is so late in coming. It's just like the F16. What nation is criticizing Russia in how they use their missiles and airplanes air to surface?

The truth is we have left Ukraine once more naked up on the roof of hypocritical hot air.  Letting the wind kill people who should not be dying in Ukraine. A nation much smaller than Russia and if they keep dying at this rate who will be left to continue?  

Biden deserves a lot of credit for getting Turkey to come along for the sake of NATO. But Biden has always been Johhny come lately in any situation. He will let the fire start and the city burnt before he sends his fireman.

In Afghanistan, he was the opposite and shot from the hip thinking he had Congress and the American people on his side because the Polls said that stating they wanted the US out of Afghanistan. I have a gay boy, a teenager who asked me to help him. Who could help him? But he was not an interpreter, but imagine all those that were. He is just a kid born in a nation that abuses people of a different gender than bearded *"religious" men. The LGBT people have to either get in dresses (like if this is what gays like to do) and are forced to dance and have sex for the Taliban? This had to be done because the American people wanted it and we had been there too long. But He could have done this in an orderly way.

If we would have had someone better than Bush who didn't know what was up or Obama who did know but did not want to be aggressive in any way and was then The worse person to be elected in this world, a law Breaker. Trump wanted to give Ukraine to the Russians for a Trump Hotel in Moscow. And those wishes were some of the least evil wishes that he wanted to come true. Trump changed everything including  Those that always had this anger towards the government because they had to have something or someone to blame for the condition. Obviously, they had no mirrors in their trailer homes. But had there been no Trump there would be no Biden. He is a bi-product of a section of the electorate who always voted for the wrong reason to take over the elections. The ones that had the most to lose stayed home, the blacks, the gays, and Latinos.

I hope people give him what he deserves, he is a good man and a great negotiator. experienced, and stable. But there are occasions he loses his negotiating skills, that is the reason we have Clarence Thomas. I don't even like the way he interrogated her. I think he believed she was lying and Clarence was the victim, that was just my take.

Biden and the one and only Clarence Thomas, yes Thomas had others hit a home run for him
