Where does The different colors of Human skin come from? To The Whites, like Many Trumpies Believe?

The ignorant comment and the correct answer. People tend to accommodate science to their beliefs and you know that what we call science are those facts proven as truthful facts. If something is not proven then is a belief, notion, or concept. But to be part of science like DNA or the chemical composition of water or oxygen has to be proven as correct and as 2 and 2 are always 4 the numbers must come up with the right numbers every time is tested. You have someone who believes blacks came from whites. This person believes white is superior because they came first. They believe since the god of Moses and Genesis never said Adam was black then he had to be white therefore all the children that followed had to be white. So the blacks? Where do they come from? Well, the monkey. Isn't that what science says? Not only people that try to give some science to their racist ideas. If people were more educated on science we would have those crazy ideas that make people feel better about their racism, Homophobia, and hatred of humans as different from what they are. When they say that black people come from monkeys and is science is just a lie. Science has never said such a thing because it can not be proven and it makes no sense. Inside a black person's body is the same as a white person and the organs if the blood and other marks match then can be interchangeable. But still where did the blacks come from or the Japanese, or Chinese? They are not considered white so where do they come from?

Pierre Vigoureux why are deleting my comments?????

I will put it here and expose your cowardice:

There was no « white » prior to 15000 years ago but the first Homo sapiens were what is called black in today’s societies.

Here is the oldest reconstruction of Homo sapiens found in North Africa. He was found in Jebel Hiroud Morocco and is dated to be 300 000 years old:

Even Europeans were still « black » until as recently as 7000 years ago.

Cheddar man the oldest British remains dated to be 10 000 years old is represented as dark-skinned by European scientists who determined that his pigmentation genes were similar to that of sub-Saharan African populations.

Here is his representation:

It is an established fact that the first Homo sapiens were dark-skinned.

The pale-skinned complexion is a result of depigmentation that occurred very recently.

So now I ask you to provide scientific evidence that the genes SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 responsible for the skin pigmentation mutation from dark skin to pale skin existed 300 000 years ago, please.

Vous n’Ăªtes pas très Vigoureux dis donc…
