If Trump is Convicted as The First President Ever Nobody Deserves the Privilege More Than He

Poor Don. He seemed like he was breaking the law every day in office because he didn't care. He was also aware of the Presidential pardon. What Pardon himself? You got it he is done worse things than take advantage of the system. He swore alliance to the constitution of the United States but later on said it was an old document and wanted to take chunks off of it. I don't think he is not that special and he is not. How many people have you met like Trumps? Bosses coworkers. I bet you have the only difference was that crazy uncaring people elected to teach the opposite party a lesson. Well, we all got the lesson but is our system of justice that has to deal with this. As far as being the first to possibly go to jail? No body deserves the privilege more than he.
Adam Gonzalez
