Are You A Gamer, I have Bad News For You So U Can Watch Out for Side Effects

Ben, a senior data analyst at  MarketsChain

I am reaching out to you with a new study, exploring the detrimental effects that excessive video gaming has on the human body. It is estimated that there could be up to 100 million gaming addicts around the world right now, so our team looked at the long-term effects of this type of addiction on the physical and mental health of those affected.

We took into account the sedentary lifestyle, poor diet choices, and prolonged exposure to screen radiation associated with pathological video gaming. Over time, these can cause obesity and different nutritional deficiencies, and increase the risk of developing metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer.

Important negative effects in men:

* Hair loss and bald patches due to lack of vitamins

* Pale skin due to lack of sleep and Vitamin D

* Back pain

* Headaches and dizziness from dehydration

Important negative effects in women:

* Inflamed skin from vitamin deficiency

* A fatty hump between the shoulders

* Lower body weight gain

* Varicose leg veins

I hope this report helps you write an interesting story for your readers. You may use all data and visualizations available by providing a proper link attribution to our publication. Here is a link to the study:

Senior data analyst 
