President Donald Trump is reportedly taking out his frustrations on his personal attorney and longtime friend, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
And he’s doing it in the classic Trump fashion: by refusing to pay him.
The Washington Post said Trump is trying to stiff Giuliani, who has spent the past months traveling the country and spreading wild conspiracy theories about the November election on behalf of the president.
Citing two unnamed officials, the newspaper said Trump has not only refused to pay Giuliani’s legal fees but has told aides that all reimbursement requests for travel and other expenses need to go through him.
The Post said Trump was unhappy with Giuliani’s demand for $20,000 a day in fees and “has privately expressed concern” with some of his attorney’s moves.
The former mayor last year denied seeking that specific amount, claiming a much more unusual fee structure instead.
“I never asked for $20,000,” he told The New York Times in November. “The arrangement is we’ll work it out at the end.”
The Times on Wednesday confirmed the latest Post report, adding that White House officials were blocking Giuliani’s calls to Trump.
Giuliani last week demanded “trial by combat” during a rally in Washington as Congress met to certify the election results that he had been challenging in courts on behalf of Trump, who later urged the crowd at the rally to march on the Capitol.
Shortly after, the Trump supporters stormed the Capitol in a deadly siege that disrupted the congressional proceedings for hours and forced lawmakers into hiding as the mob ransacked the building.
The president’s critics on Twitter took note of his growing feud with his attorney:
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Anybody who paid just a little bit of attention would have been able to predict this way back in November. Actually, many people here did, warning Rudy that he'd never get paid. People predicted the violence months ago, too. About the only prediction not yet fulfilled is the one about trump's defection. Still a week for that to happen. And then, after January 20, Melania's divorce papers.
Could have predicted this way back in the 1980s and 1990s because Trump has been this way his whole life so his behavior shouldn't come as a shock because whenever he couldn't have his way, he pouted like a 2 year old having a temper tantrum.
Could it be that the Tax-evader-in-Chief is actually broke & is saving his pennies to pay off that $400-$500Million debt?
In any event Welcome to the club Rudy! The difference with you is that as an Enabler, You DESERVE EVERY THING BAD THAT DONALD TRUMP DOES TO YOU!
Here’s laughing 😂 😝 😆 at you!
He may be broke, however, this is how Trump treats everyone he has ever owed money to his entire life. He stiffs them. Sounds like it's time for Rudy to turn states evidence. Especially, since Trump has yet to pardon him, with only six days to go. Flip on him Rudy!
I don't thikn Trump has much money.
- Deutsche Bank cut him off and he owes them $500 Million
- Other banks are liquidating his accounts
- NYC just canceled $17 Million in annual contracts
- Cushman-Wakefield, the commercial leasing giant, dropped his properties
- Those who paid inflated memberships and booking fees at his resorts won't likely bother, since he has no influence to peddle.
- Saudis who propped up his hotels, booking vast blocks of suites that were paid for, but never used, probably won't bother
- And Russia and China hold big notes, too..
But they did it after he fell out of favor when they should have done it long ago. The money he owes Deutsche Bank probably came through Russia because Russia has had Trump under surveillance for a very long time going back to his marriage with Ivana because they felt they could turn him and get critical information from him and he probably gave them something.
Russia knew he had a penchant for wealth and seeing his name on buildings so they played to that and pretended to be interested in building a Trump Tower in Moscow but what they really wanted to do was get information from Trump so all of this has a long storied history. It didn't just start in 2016.
It's par for trump's course. I remember when Rudy prosecuted mob bosses. Now, he defends them, even the dead beat crime boss that is trump. Just shows how Rudy is declining. He knows trump doesn't pay his bills, yet he took his business without a retainer. Nice to see karma in all of it's splendid glory.
Like the dinosaurs not comprehending the meaning of the approaching asteroid, Don Jr., Eric and Ivanka look at Rudy and don't comprehend what their future holds.
They are all officers in Donald's companies, what he will leave them are debt, liabilities and no credit rating.
Serves them right because it was built on lies, huge tax beaks, government loans etc.
How many millions did Don's Save America PAC collect from his hard core fans after the election? None of the Trump clan are worried about finances; that is only wishful thinking.
Rudy should have known that non-payment was coming. Unlike the contractors that redhat has stiffed in the past, Rudy accomplished nothing besides personal humiliation.
Can Rudy afford a lawyer?
He better sue before he is disbarred.
if Trump fired Giuliani who is going to represent Trump for the incoming Federal and State indictments once Trump loses his POTUS' immunity privileges. Is Trump going to escape to Russia and avoid prosecution and Jail time?
Hopefully, they pull his passport. I doubt any other country would allow him in at this point. Putin is going to hang him out to dry. I can't wait until trump attends a Russian tea party.
I'm sure Rudy is a good enough lawyer that he has a signed agreement with Trump, for fees and reimbursable expenses. My lawyer makes sure I sign one if we're just working on my will. "We'll work it out in the end" means you're working for free.
Did Rudy have a signed agreement? Let's hope not!
Seriously? He's a good enough lawyer? He's a good enough liar for sure, but he's a senile, demented old man. Just like impeached2POTUS.
Let’s be fair here. Maybe Trump had always intended to pay Rudy, but the recent moves by his lenders (and many others) have left him with a teeny tiny liquidity problem. In fact, the only liquid assets he may have remaining are those that will be running down his leg when the legal system starts doing their cha-cha-cha on his dance floor.
Not a chance. Trump is known for not paying his legal bills. He views people who do work without getting the money up front as a sucker that he can take advantage of.
Who could imagine. Trump stiffing the help.
And Rudy facing legal questions about his involvement with Trump. Time to turn States Witness Rudy.
If there is a cardinal rule for business deals with Trump, it's Get the Money Upfront. I've read of more people than I can remember who learned this as an object lesson.
After lie #247 Rudy should've demanded 80% of his anticipated fee. But by then Rudy was all in and working on his own catalog of lies. I pray that Donald stays true to form and doesn't pay Rudy "one red cent", not that Donald will be able to anyway.
Because right before you're facing indictments it's always nice to stiff the one lawyer who'll work for you.
When the good ones won't.
What was that about having "very, very good insurance" on his phone in case Trump throws him under the bus?