“Let’s make America great Again Like Before the Homosexuals"

A Trump supporter part of a focus group on Face the Nation is asked what they would expect from a Trump Administrations versus a Clinton Administration. The answer she gave is not shocking coming from a Trump supporter what is surprising is that it was aired on national TV by a major network.

Im limiting my comments because the live video is so self explanatory and it speaks volumes that someone in this nation will feel like is 1982 again and such a wish can just be granted by the President of the United States and furthermore that is ok to say so on 2016.

There will always be subversives, bigots and homophobes no matter how good things are but usually they are shamed to be on their own circles and do their own hating to themselves. On this election cycle the unredeemable among us feel they have a place at the table and all they need is a Trump to make their dreams which at one point it was just a misguided notion but now is a dream that our system of government can make true. Are they right? Of coarse they are right. Notions of liberty and freedom to live undiscriminated by our government because of the type of people we love is something that will always have to be defended. We know this because there were times in history in which taking up a same sex partner and enter a union was not seen as abnormal.  Those times were reversed with a vengeance.

The voice from this woman admonishes us not to be contempt but to always be vigilant we are not regressing instead of moving forward. Money issues and the blaming of others for our self creating messes is always lead to people putting those things ahead of social issues. It’s always been so.

Adam Gonzalez
