Latest polls for Clinton vs. Trump in key swing states [Oct 10 wk]
As the poll shows (wk of Oct.10) Clinton is ahead in 6 out of seven swing states. The exception is Iowa. The graph is interactive, you need to hover your cursor over the graph to get more information. The numbers are not frozen so if there was to be another poll this week, those numbers would change to represent the latest.
We show these particular states because if Trump cannot win on those states he wont be able to win the election. Because Clinton is ahead on the national polls of all likely voters she needs to win 3 or so of those to have the election. Swing states are the ones in which you can’t predict how they vote as in being democrat, republican or independent. The average poll is one that takes all the polls and mathematically gets the average, this is consider very accurate because it takes into account all national polls for november’s Presidential election.