Safely Get Adamfoxie* in Your Inbox
If you have not registered to safely receive adamfoxie* at your inbox you will be missing 1/3 of the stories that appear on the main site but are not carried out to the rest of the internet until latter.
Until now the stories at adamfoxie* have been manually shared with *Facebook and *Tweeter among others.
In the age of automation it’s unsustainable for a non profit making blog to continue to do this. Adamfoxie* will continue to share so we can get new readers on very fresh stories of current events; But it will be on certain stories only. The others will be left for the system to automatically spread them on the net.
This is simple and secure(Neither adamfoxie nor Google share your information):
Just go to our main site by either clicking on the URL below or copying it and pasting it to your browser. Once on the site the window to enter your email will be on the left hand side next to the adamfoxie clock and the live “views counter” As of this posting it will read well over 3,000,000,000 (3 million).
Click: or copy and paste
Https:// Https://
Notice the s after http. This is for secure. This is done securely and there will be NO SPAM!