Obama Vs Reagan and with Other Presidents and the Gay bathroom Question in the Homophobe Mind
Sometimes the truth comes in small packages and two people that write letters, the criminally insane or the one with nothing to do which sometimes takes to the computer could never match because these two stamens below are small but not in conscience, historical and factual events:
Obama Vs Reagan and other Presidents
George Owen Lambus, Jackson
Everybody that writes to The Clarion-Ledger is talking about how Ronald Reagan got rid of communism, how Reagan’s speech in Berlin eventually got the wall torn down etc.
I do not recall reading about a Gen. Ronald Reagan battling the Nazis. I do not recall a Gen. Ronald Reagan in the Korean War. I did see Reagan visit the grave of Hitler’s 55 (Schutzstaffel) troops and Hitler’s secret police called the Gestapo.
The United States under the presidency of Barack Obama is a force to reckoned with. If Russia, Red China or North Korea were to really threaten this country, I guarantee you there would be a flash of light over those countries and mushroom clouds, and they would be history.
This is the most powerful country in the history of mankind except for Israel when God fought her battles!
Gay bathroom |
C.E. Swain, Carthage
As I understand it, the recent controversy concerning homosexuality involves a mayor’s efforts to protect the rights of victims of Mother Nature’s cruel mistake and the use of restrooms. The reason many people feel so strongly about this issue is that they believe the Bible condemns homosexuality as a sin worthy of death.
I know it is heresy, but some of the words in the Word of God are not the words of God, and the time we recognize homosexuality for what it is and act accordingly is long overdue.
But, as I have the story, the mayor went far beyond the rule that says “my rights end where yours begin.” Homosexuals no doubt feel like the opposite sex and are more comfortable with “their kind,” but reason dictates that gays’ rights end at the restroom door.