The President Calls from Air Force One To Congratulate Us /ALSO/ When Would We Know the Fight is Over?

It’s always nice when the phone rings and is Air Force One calling or the White House. The President was following the vote closely even on the air. No matter how you feel about this executive’s stance on  policies if you are one of the 70% that is close to a gay person or that gay person themselves; You must admit that he has done as much as a openly gay president would have done for this community. I am aware that there are calls for executive orders to establish ENDA but those orders are temporary.  His position on it is the same he took on DADT and now is not temporary put aside, but killed with one blow to never comeback unless we start electing closeted gays or haters of gays.

While we change history with the exception of policies that keep people alive like SS and Medicare, no policy should be as important for our community to get its civil/human rights as every other American.
When would we know we are there?? and can start voting our pocket books, bias etc?
When no one has to come out again. When is ok to kiss your boyfriend in the street with out having people start a riot using your heads as ways to alleviate their homophobia, because homophobia hurts all both physical and imagined.

When the day comes that you are judged on your character (M.L.King) not by the color of your skin or your sex or sexual orientation. But before that we need to come out in groves like we have been doing to show we are not a bunch of weirdo’s but a nation of weirdos, strong enough to elect our people to protect our rights. Keeping in mind that many believe that the constitution is a living document and as such on another generation we might get through genetics a mass of homophobes again, so we need to be vigilant and guard that constitution, if need be with amendments that for ever this fight will never have to be fought again!

As we eliminate these phobias and fears about taking a shower after eating or not working on good friday because you will failed on what you are doing, when we have advance to that stage with out the fear and ignorance, when we have licked those virus’s particularly the older ones and no one is going to bed hungry and there is an education if you want one we could say then, we are done here, let’s see if we have cousins somewhere beyond mars.

Then we can put our sights on other things particularly fighting disease and virus’s that should have been licked but are not because of a lack of money that we use for other things…no not for medicare and care of our people but for bigger and costlier things that benefits only a few. When we have our sights not straight, but zoom in at the right direction. How would we know the right direction? Because it will benefit all.

Adam Gonzalez

The Call:
