Cindy McCain is Being Honor as a Hero. "A Hero She is Not"
Actually she would be the last person in the world that I would like to headline or follow as such.
She received plenty of that adulation when she was helping John McCain in his loosing campaign for president against somebody who said the LGTB community is being discriminated and it needs to stop. This is the President of the US that in his second inauguration put gay together with Selma and the Black civil rights heroes of that time..
The Trevor Project is giving a Hero award. The Trevor Project is a wonderful organization in which it helps to prevent teen suicide, some of which are cause by people like John McCain. Im sure there is going to be people that would say Adam did not read the memo. Actually I did because I know what the parties involved are, what they are doing and what they have accomplished. To be fair I will follow this thought by telling you what the Trevor people say about Mrs.McCaine. Which is a world of good. But does it makes her a hero? I don’t think so and will tell you why.
You see words have a meaning to me, that is why there is a blog called adamfoxie*. Hero to me is not a person that by choice is married to one of the worse obstacles we have had in everything from DADT, which not only did he helped sponsor it he looked like he was going to give birth when he was arguing with the Generals that wanted this unethical,immoral, injustice done with and he was stopping and when he could not stop it, he delayed, delayed.
He opposed it like he is backed DOMA and also voted for it. You might say what is she got to do with it? Hey is more than a song and dance. He is a rat and because he is a veteran and an ex-pow he can do to others in a whole community as he wants. Not in my book because we members of our community suffer similar conditions and experiences. In vietnam and in every war, because we could not say we were gay does not take from the sacrifice gays suffered. I give you likes of the code breaker of the “Enigma Machine” Which code was broken by British code breaker Alan Turing that saved so many thousands of lives and shortened the war in Germany. He was put in Jail and they ended shortening his life dying at a young 53. This Because of the inhuman treatment he received when it was discovered he was gay.
No, I don’t think john McCain is special and neither is his wife to be chosen by one of the orgs we support as a Hero. Of coarse the gay community had nothing to do with that. That decision was made in New York as a fundraiser by the people that know best because they go by the number$ I would guess.
We talk about making companies pay for their intolerance and homophobia wether is chicken sandwiches or oil. Why the same measurements is not made towards individuals? It seems that if Im connected to a hater and abuser of the community is like saying that a positive and a negative is equal a positive, that is not so in chemistry and not so in practical life.
I think that families of haters more than anyone else have a responsibility to try to mitigate the hurt that their spouse or father does. Iam not saying that the wife of McCain can control him or what he does. I don’t know that. What I know is what is public. This is a couple that ran an election with the backing of our worse enemies. Forget and forgive? Why? we are not there yet and when we are there some of us will forgive but Im sure that most of us and history will not forget when someone in public and a senator with a lot of power and seniority comes against us and our answer is to make his wife a hero? Would we do that to the wife of any despot in the world? To be fair Im going to copy what the Trevor Project says about her:
"Outside of the LGBT community, Cindy serves as a member of the Board of Trustees for the HALO Trust, a non-profit organization dedicated to landmine removal and weapons destruction in war-torn countries, Cindy has traveled to numerous countries to see firsthand the impact HALO has had by removing landmines. She served on the Board of Directors for Operation Smile, a non-profit organization whose mission is to repair cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities for children around the world. Cindy has also traveled extensively on behalf of World Food Programme, visiting mother and child feeding programs in Cambodia, Sierra Leone, Chad and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Cindy is a Founding Member of the Eastern Congo Initiative. She’s travelled to the region four times in the last two years and is committed to raising awareness on the travesties facing women and children in the Congo. After traveling to South Korea as an Ambassador to the 2013 Winter Games, she recently joined the board of the Special Olympics 2015 Summer Games in Los Angeles.
In addition to her humanitarian work, Cindy is the chairman of her family’s business, Hensley & Company, which is one of the largest Anheuser-Busch distributors in the nation.
Her formal education includes an undergraduate degree in Education and a Master’s in Special Education from the University of Southern California. As a student, Cindy participated in pilot programs testing Movement Therapy, which is now a widely accepted standard for working with severely disabled children. After receiving her degrees from USC, she began her teaching career at Agua Fria High School in Arizona where she continued her work with disabled children. Mrs. McCain is a member of the USC Rossier School of Education Board of Councilors, a group of civic and education leaders who provide guidance, support and advocacy for the school’s work.
Cindy lives in Phoenix with her husband, U.S. Senator John McCain. Together, they have four children: Meghan, Jack, Jimmy, and Bridget.”
Impressive? oh yeah..for me. If I did that it would be impressive because I would have to rob a few billionaires to have the means of making a large financial contribution. She is someone who is one of the richest women in the world, married to one of the most powerful homophobes out of 100 senators in the US Capital.
She should do what her consciousness dictates to her and it seems like she does have one. For her husband if she says he is a wonderful husband and father, that’s for her family to decide. What ever he is and what ever she is does not make to connect one of them or both as heroes.
It hurts when orgs that we support as a community and like, it hurts when they sell out because they need the funds and exposure. Again is not just to get there but how we get there in the fight to keep our rights as LGTB community and part of the American Community. This is the same fight we have against terrorism which is how much of our liberty and rights do we give up to feel safer?
Hero’s there are so many to mention. Straight people that against criticism have helped and given to this community. The people in the public eye that have come out to help us get power and visibility.
They are heroes. They are the ones that have lost their friends, family and livelihood for coming out: {HEROES} The Military fighting for their country gay or straight; heroes. But if any of them comes back a hero and uses that to oppress other people….Not a hero, not their spouses not their friends. This is not a new idea to see who our enemies are and never be bought out. If you need to honor the family of people that are causing suicides of young people then you tearing down the wall behind you while you construct the one in front of you.
{Adam Gonzalez}