A Black Man A Justice That Thinks and Breathes Caucasian but Hair is Kinky, so is His Heart
He has stood in the way of every piece of law that’s come before him: wether civil rights voting act, Health Care, helping minorities improves their colleges entry by taking into account their poor financial Situation but justt their intellect.
Since the South has changed, the Supreme Court has too—only because you have the greatest advocate in the words of Huff Po that has —"gutted" the landmark Voting Rights Act by deciding the government no longer needs to vet changes to voting laws in certain areas of the country
The black justice that liked all white things including booty but had to look everyday in the mirror and see that’s the way he is born black, not even latin, that way he could’ve been the Latin Lover of his pre days that he chased Anita, his secretary trying to have her see how big he was. Had he talked to a gay person he would have been advice to go white sooner. Some white women go crazy for black men with a nice income, an education and Mr. Big in his pocket. Even realizing that he is not wanting to cut a break to gays that are born that way just like he is black. No he is too much into he’s black and slave owner in the inside. Most be like Diabetes one which you get on your genes..
The Republican Party with the help of a crazy Senator in charge of clearing thru the senate those dominations for the post certainly pushed his and that is The VP now, Joe Biden. A Good man but not an in intellectual man no matter how many newspapers he reads on the way home
Remember all those nakedly racist tactics the Republicans have used for years to try to scare people of color away from the polls? Yeah, that doesn't count. Guess who is deciding the the fate of some many white, yellow, brown, etc tomorrow he is one of them. You know the vote since the case came to the SCOTUS. Thanks goodness for President Clinton, and Obama that have tried to rectified what Reagan the no HIV president and 12 years of the Bushes. They were in power long enough to destroy the new deal and everything that was done for the american people on the lower middle class and the poor, sick, disabled. Now the great society of Lyndon B Johnson is been taken apart Even Social Security and Medicare programs were made difficult to manage and with a fuse on both ends. One at the Doctor , getting less and the patient getting less doctors to take care of them under medicare..
That is why all those Independents by heart and Decent republicans with a sense of fairness will hope fully give the Democrats enough years to restore the SCOTUS to a sincere way of judging cases. Scalia, the grump of the court. What the hell is he doing there? Nothing the republicans wanted to give it to the democrats for the civil right decisions etc of the 60-70’s/ Lets give them a jester with a vote.
Thanks goodness this man is religious. Imagine if he and Scalia did not believe one day they might have to pay . I always prayed that Scalia comes back as frog someone not too far from alligator ally. For Mr. Latin lover, I want him to come back as transexual with no sex organs what so ever but with the same desire to show how big he is.
Call me cruel but the damaged done have been done not to the democrats but to real people, real kids of both parties.
Adam Gonzalez, Publisher