Food Network Drops Ugly inside/out Paula Deen
You gotta be a pretty lonesome human being if your idea of fun and entertainment is to watch this cracker TV talk show poor excuse of such. About her bull shit stuff on tV. Is not a matter of one person bad looks. It’s about a bad looking human being that shows on the outside what’s on the inside. The world does crazy things because of TV. Anybody can become an instant celebrity because they use a perfume that scare away cats and dogs.
The world just like time, it works like a pendulum . When its on one end is one thing and then time makes it travel to the opposite end and things become just that opposite. We all have time or 15 minutes of fame, but when the pendulum goes to the other end everything is opposite. You can’t pay the mortgage or the rent, car’s engine cracked because you forgot to check the oil and so on and so on.
Why all these talk? Just to tell you that this woman was hanging to the pendulum not wanting to let go and it was past her time. So the rotten stuff inside of her started to come out. She could give 100 apologies and every one would be worse than the other If you ever watched her, you should buy one of our shirts or send a $100 contribution for being such a naive butt.
This is Adam on a full moon (0) night.