2013 A Short Little List For The New Year 2013

New Year is Knocking!
Are you making the usual resolutions or you decided that the best one was none at all. This finds us   politicly in up-heavel like we were back in to the future in the Clinton Administration. The GOP through Gingrich saying they were going to not raise the ceiling and let the government default. You could say a lot of things about Clinton, but he had balls. As Monica will attest!
Well the government defaulted for the first time!
Government workers went without pay checks, the Smithsonian closed for the first time and all the branches of government. If it wasn’t so stupid it will be so funny!
Now we Have another untested president  and history repeats itself. Because all of the truths I know this one has proven right every time: Those that ignore history are doomed to relived again. the guys and girls in Washing ton are at it again testing this president. A president that would have his hands and administration hog tied if every few months we had to go through this GOP made crisis.
But I don’t want this message to be merely political but as we are getting ready for a new year we should not allowed certain factions of the government to treat us like this. We always say they are punks, they are doing this and that. But they are they because they elected them. We need to examine who “they is” and how we are doing our part in the political field. Because if we just bitch after they do what ever they want to do to us, then actually you and I {Because we are They} and are the problem.
I hope that this year will bring clarity to us and those who hold our mortgages and collect our rents to do things thinking about the impacts that selfish decisions bring. 
If one day we could care for each other that will be heaven. But I know that is a pipe dream, wish I had the weed to go for it and smoke it.
Happy New Year!

