Tim Tebow Believes in the Scriptures } Does He Gets Laid as Much as King David?
Well all that was the intro to Tim Tebow. Because he shows his faith for millions to watch. A likable fellow but one that has put his his life as an example by his ttheatrics…Im sure he might not seen them as such, but the thing is that if he is straight he is got more women after him than David did.
Does he have the fortitude to stay true?……to one women and only after marriage for ever. Faith is personal and is between you and the force beyond you.,…I respect his faith, because I got mine… no religion for good reasons and I could articulate to anybody interested in such a conversation…which I don t enjoy. I like people to have faith to be able rto see not to be blinded by it and mortal men that would direct you..but I feel bad for such a person.. I will show you some of the pictures showing how ugly he is and why no women would want haahaa..kidding)…..Im not talking about women that would want to marry him….gosh if every guy that was with me wanted to be with me for ever I would have a kingdom of my own. There is a truth that might not have a verse in the bible, but to us is has meaning because it happens: “Thank You mam, etc….thank you guy(dude) see you around.”
I could not just post pics of Tebow without a background that I am willing to defend: