Dead Married French University Prez Into Gay Sex


Richard Descoings, 1958-2012 (Sciences-Po).
The death of prominent French scholar Richard Descoings in the Michelangelo hotel Tuesday doesn't, on first blush, appear to be foul play, but that doesn't mean it hasn't gotten a bit of intrigue in the latest news cycle. The NYPD says the initial autopsy requires further study and is awaiting a toxicology report, so of course the Post today has gone and added a homosexual twist to the sad story. Oh la la!
When Descoings was found dead in his seventh-floor hotel bedroom, police were particularly interested in the fact that his phone and laptop somehow had fallen from his window onto a landing four stories below. Now it seems that, according to the Post, his laptop had "gay-hookup" web sites on it. Also Descoings wife, who flew into the city yesterday, reportedly told the police her husband was "really into men," and that she knew "before she met and married him."
Of course the sex life of a dead, married successful French scholar wouldn't ordinarily be reported in the illustrious pages of the New York Post, except that now police are now "looking to question two men who visited Descoings's room Monday evening." What exactly they will have to add—Descoing is not thought to have died until Tuesday morning since hotel workers heard sleeping noises from his room—is up in the air. Until the toxicology reports say otherwise, this continues to look like another sad case of a middle-aged man dying suddenly.


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