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Tim Pawlenty: Is Being Gay a Choice?

Republican presidential candidate and former Minnesota governor
Tim Pawlenty appeared on “Meet the Press” and was interviewed by
David Gregory Sunday morning, where he said that whether a person
 could be born gay is “in dispute” by scientific researchers.
Pawlenty signed onto the conservative pledge to ban same-sex marriage
 last week, around the same time he confessed to reporters that he
 liked Lady Gaga’s gay anthem “Born This Way.”
“So you think it’s not a choice?” Gregory asked after Pawlenty said
 that he would “defer to science” to answer the question. “That you are,
 as Lady Gaga says, born that way?”
“There’s no scientific conclusion that it’s genetic,” Pawlenty backtracked.
 “We don’t know that.”
ThinkProgress points out that Pawlenty is wrong:
The American Psychological Association, the world’s largest association 
of psychological professionals, describes sexual orientation as “a complex 
interaction of environmental, cognitive and biological factors.” There is
 considerable evidence to suggest that biology, “including genetic or
 inborn hormonal factors,” plays a significant role in a person’s sexuality.
In 2004, while he was governor, Pawlenty also signed onto a petition 
to support a constitutional banon same-sex marriage.
Watch the video below, originally aired July 10 on NBC, embedded
via YouTube above^ 
