We Congratualate NY in Getting what All Americans get: Right To Marry

adamfoxie*blog International is more than proud to congratulate all of those couples getting what all other americans get; The right to marry!

Congratulations because as today it is yours, mine and ours, the choice, the right to marry or not to marry. But is a right we deserve wether we ever use it or not. That is for life, cicumstances and our own feelings to legally bind ourselves to another human being. It is not for everyone like a lot of people in the straight world think. 

This is a right deserved and reserved  for those straight and gay that are willing and believe that they can do...a lifetime commitment with a partner. 

Son of a family with too many kids and parents that did not get along, I have always known the pitfalls of the wrong commitment. 

But having said that, this is the day to celebrate a big leap in the ladder of equal rights that this community has achieved. We know who the heroes are and we need to name them and recognize them.
The same goes for the foes, we need to know who they are, because the fight "ain't over by a mile my son"

My Love to all of you in our community and our friends, both straight and gay because wether they believed in the institution or not, wether they were going to get married or not,  they did believe in equality and those in the gay community that wanted to get marry. Many in the gay community supported this fight even though to them marriage is anathema. Something that is  has been taken over by the church and have use it in particular against women. Those feelings were put aside for the good of the community and for equal right's sake.

Next fight is Doma: Repeal of  Defense of Marriage act that says one man one woman.
Then they fight goes on state by state for the right New Yorkers both straight and gay said: This is a human, civil right. Keep the church out of people's bed and our government. Believe in the constitution that when it says "Separation of Church and State" Should be a separation between these two so different in institutions.

Adam Gonzalez,

