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He Calls USA Dead Beat Nation: Tea Party Rep Joe Wash is a D.Beat Dad

Lawrence O’Donnell bans ‘deadbeat dad’ 

Rep. Joe Walsh 

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell has banned tea party Rep. Joe Walsh
 (R-IL) from ever appearing on his show again.
Walsh has refused to vote for raising the nation’s debt
 ceiling, saying he
 would not place “one more dollar of debt upon the
 backs of my kids.”
But it turns out that Walsh actually owes more than
 $100,000 in child
“It is time to deny deadbeat dad Joe Walsh some
advantages,” O’Donnell
 said Friday.
“In order to teach deadbeat dad Joe Walsh a lesson about
 family values, yes,
 the very same family values that so many Republicans try to exploit
politically while failing to come close to living up to them in their own
lives, deadbeat dad Joe Walsh is hereby banned from this program. He
can go tell his lies about his family values and his sense of fiscal
 responsibility elsewhere.”
Watch this video from MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show,
broadcast July 29, 2011.
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