Home Depot Ken Langone Can't Stand Pres. Obama: "He Does Not wear a Jacket"

 by Hillary Reinsberg    
Home Depot founder Ken Langone is no fan of President Obama – complaining that he’s “petulant” and “unpresidential.” The politically opinionated billionaire spoke out against Obama yesterday in an interview with CNBC, but one of his complaints surprised us. He wishes Obama, who regularly goes tie-less, would wear a jacket (at all times) when he’s in the West Wing. Cue the Fashion Police:
“Ronald Reagan would never go into the Oval Office without his jacket on—that’s how much he revered the presidency. This guy worked like hell to be president…Behave like a president. Let me look at you as a model to how we should behave. What does he say? Fat cats, jet airplanes. What is the purpose? Us versus them.
We know the jacket is just a “symbol,” but of all things, man, you founded Home Depot, not Brooks Brothers.
Langone’s on a hopeless, desperate attempt to get Obama out of the presidency – and he’s pretty unabashed about it. Last week, he invited a bunch of other billionaires to meet with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to try to beg him to run. Christie, meanwhile, has no interest.
Langone seems to almost have conspiracy theories about Obama. “He is not acting presidential. He is behaving in a way designed in my opinion to divide us, to make us look at each other with skepticism, with suspicion,” he said. “That is the end of America as we know it.”
Well then.
