Is The US a Republic or A Christian Nation? The 1st of a series by adamfoxie*& others

Lately, it seems Christian fundamentalists have campaigned
to pervert the notion of "religious freedom" to mean they
have the absolute right to control lives and dictate how other
people live. If they are unable to coerce or browbeat
non-believers into following their church's rules in the public
 square, they falsely play the victim card and cry "discrimination."
For normal Americans, religious freedom means the right to worship according
 to conscience. This most basic tenet of liberty is not enough for America's
predatory fundamentalists. They believe they are superior and have the
God-given right to force society to play by their rules. This inability to co-exist
 is a divisive and destabilizing force that must be adequately addressed.

How far will these extremists go to get their way and claim special rights? Consider
a new bill proposed by two Michigan state senators, Tupac Hunter (D-Detroit) and
Mark Jansen (R-Grand Rapids) that would permit students in counseling programs
 to refuse helping clients with issues that conflicted with their "sincerely held
 religious beliefs or moral convictions."

The Michigan Messenger reported this week that this ludicrous legislation was
in response to an Eastern Michigan University student, Julea Ward, who was
expelled from a counseling program after declining to counsel a gay student.
 According to the Messenger, Ward refused to offer relationship advice because
she thought it was tantamount to cheerleading a "lifestyle" that she rejected.
Ward sued in federal court, but they have so far ruled that Christians are still
 part of society and not above the rule of law.

"[Ward] was met with I feel an inappropriate response whereby she was penalized
 for having her own moral conviction," Hunter told the Michigan Messenger.
 "The legislation was crafted to do exactly what it says. To prohibit an individual
 who is in one of those programs who has a value conflict from being
 discriminated against."

First, all respected mental health organizations say that homosexuality is not a
 disease that can be treated. Any counseling that rejects gay relationships
 or coming out as an option is by nature inappropriate, unhealthy and
 damaging to the client. Furthermore, counseling should be about the patient,
 not the self-serving religious needs of the therapist. If ultra-religious
counselors can't do their jobs, they should consider a new career in the clergy,
 where they can indulge their beliefs.

Second, the counseling profession by nature is one where experts provide
 advice to people with whom they may personally disagree. It is absolutely
preposterous that self-righteous therapists would install purity tests for
 potential clients and cherry pick the ones who are sanitized by scripture.
 And what happens midway though weekly therapy if the seemingly
 wholesome client reveals an unseemly fetish, distasteful action, or
 thought? Does the offended therapist abruptly end further sessions,
 humiliating the client who is made to feel dirty and unworthy? Might
this harsh condemnation and judgment do more damage than the original
 reason the individual sought help, which would rightfully be considered

Third, the bill conveniently caters to anti-gay therapists, but ignores the
 consciences of counselors with controversial, yet equally sincere beliefs.
When the Michigan Messenger asked Sen. Hunter about racial exceptions,
he replied, "No. That is where I draw the line." He rationalized his comments
 by making the false claim that the Bible prohibits homosexual activity but
 does not support racism. Hunter must not be aware that religious groups
 like the Southern Baptist Convention used the Bible to justify slavery and
segregation. Or, maybe he is aware and believes that conscience only
 counts if it passes his "conservative correctness" test.

Finally, carving out special exemptions for blue-nosed Christian therapists
 would set a very dangerous precedent. The Religious Right loves to use
slippery slope arguments, even if their application of them is often irrational
 and groundless.

In the case of the Michigan counselor, however, the slippery slope is very real
 and could tear apart our nation's unity and sense of purpose. If a Christian
therapist can reject gay clients, why can't a fundamentalist mail carrier elect
not to deliver letters advertising concerts for the Gay Men's Chorus? Or what
about an Orthodox Jewish deli manager working in a secular supermarket who
 won't sell non-Kosher meat to reform Jews? How about a Muslim tollbooth
 worker of Saudi Arabian descent who refuses to let women drive through
his lane because he believes it would offend Allah? (We are already seeing C
hristian pharmacists who deny birth control based on religious beliefs)

There is no end to the madness if we begin accommodating the supremacist
and separatist impulses of fundamentalists. The Michigan bill is morally wrong,
 harmful to this country and could potentially create a chaotic and divisive
 situation where members of favored religious sects are exempt from laws
that govern the general public.

As the old saying goes, if you don't like America, you can change it or leave it.
 But we absolutely cannot tolerate the creation of a shadow fundamentalist
nation within our borders that confuses liberty with license to run roughshod
 over legitimate individual rights, professional standards, and the obligations
 of U.S. citizenship.
