Happy 54th birthday to Kelly McGillis!No Media Attention..All is for Betty ford

http://static.tvguide.com/MediaBin/Content/100913/News/Todays_News_Our_Take/7_sun/100919kelly-mcgillis1.jpgIn the 80s, Kelly McGillis was one of the biggest movie stars in the world starring opposite Tom Cruise in Top GunHarrison Ford in WitnessJodie Foster in The Accused and Timothy Hutton in Made in Heaven.
But she disappeared from the scene for several years before re-emerging in 2009 in a big way by acknowledging that she is a lesbian.
What a wonderful addition to the LGBT community!
She said in an interview that year that she decided it was finally time to go public: “Most of the time in my life I’ve just said “I don’t care to answer that” or “That’s none of your business” or “That really isn’t germane to what we’re discussing.” And I just decided to step up and live in my truth. That’s it.”
Happy birthday to this fine actress!

