Everyone Knows Marcus Bachmann-Michelle's Hubbie Is Gay


Rumors about Marcus Bachmann's sexuality have been flying for years. But now that his wife, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, has officially announced her candidacy for President, those rumors are all coming out into the open. What's the result?
Everyone thinks Marcus Bachmann is gay.
Well ok, not everyone. But comments about his sexuality are more public than ever, with a number of well-known commenters and celebrities feeling bold enough to go on the record by saying that "Dr." Bachmann is a homosexual.
http://fastcache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/7/2011/07/ap110627021600_picnik.jpgSinger Cher was outraged on Twitter over Bachmann's "de-gaying" therapy clinic and former-MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann cheekily wondered how Michele Bachmann might be able to "hide her husband without putting him in a closet."
These are just two of a laundry list of public comments and jokes over the fact that Michele Bachmann, a hatefully anti-gay politician, is married to a man who thought by many to be ahomosexual himself.
If Bachmann does get the Republican nomination then even the mere mention of Marcus Bachmann being gay could completely derail her campaign. Maybe she's already thought of that--her husband has been conspicuously absent from the majority of her public appearances.
