Cher thinks Marcus Bachmann is gay - see the tweets

Thumbnail image for marcus bachmann cap 2.JPG Michele and Marcus Bachmann: He's on Cher's gaydar. ​By Mike Mullen    City pages

Marcus Bachmann, husband to Michele, thinks gays are barbarians and wants to help "cure" them at his Christian counseling clinic.
Cher, icon to the gay community, wants to cure Dr. Bachmann by strangling him.In a Twitter jag last night (see below), Cher went after the Bachmanns, and accused Marcus of being gay -- and let's face it, Cher knows gay.Then she threatened to strangle him with her feather boa -- if he's into that."We have to understand: barbarians need to be educated," he said in a totally-gone-viral moment. "They need to be disciplined."Once Cher got the word on the "barbarians" quote, she let her 250,000-plus Twitter followers know how she feels about him, ripping into him for talking about gays in a "most UNCHRSTIAN way."Just heard Michele Bachmann's OH SO CHRISTIAN husband talk about "Gays" in the most UNCHRISTIAN way

WTF!less than a minute ago via TweetDeck [Image] Favorite [Image] Retweet [Image] Reply[Image]Cher
cherMarcus Bachmann's "barbarians" crack is there for the world to hear. But he denies up and down the idea that he's trying to "cure" gays. And Cher sounds like she can't believe that he'd actually run a clinic with that kind of mission.omg ! Is This true ? He has a Christian clinic where he de-programs gay

Boys & Girls ! I'm gonna strangle him with my Boa !less than a minute ago via TweetDeck [Image] Favorite [Image] Retweet [Image] Reply[Image]Cher
cherFrom there, Cher does a little more digging, and opens fire.But Boys please utube this asshole & tell me what u think ... Cause My
Gay-Dar is GOING OFF !!!less than a minute ago via TweetDeck [Image] Favorite [Image] Retweet [Image] Reply[Image]Cher

cherFinally, the diva calmed herself. A slice or two of avocado mellowed her out. She explained she'd wanted to buy gifts for the Bachmann family, maybe to make amends. Then again, maybe not.Am now eating Avacodo ! Mmm!

Coming down ! I Was on my way 2 buy That Bitch a Broom ! & maybe some sequins 4 u know wholess than a minute ago via TweetDeck [Image] Favorite [Image] Retweet [Image] Reply[Image]Cher
