Village Voice: Who do you have to B* in NYS Senate to get Gay Marriage

Paul Schindler of Gay City News has put together a greatscorecard of how everyone stands on gay marriage in the state Senate, which is where the issue will be decided.
Senator Tom Duane's bill needs 32 votes. Currently, 26 Democrats and zero Republicans publicly support it. Those Log Cabin Republicans who just joined New Yorkers United for Marriage will have their work cut out for them in changing some minds. But so will the Democrats.
Gay City News says there are five currently uncommitted votes: Democrats Joe Addabbo and Shirley Huntley, and Republicans James Alesi, Joseph Griffo and Greg Ball. Brooklyn Democrat Carl Kruger, under a federal investigation for corruption, is still a public no, apparently, despite having been outed by the Post.
The group Connecting Rainbows had some fun with one of those swing votes yesterday — Shirley Huntley of Queens — by visiting her office. They took her to task for claiming to have marched with Martin Luther King Jr. for civil rights in Selma while refusing to support equal rights for gay people in New York.
Huntley says she's undecided, a position she expressed to the Voice for weeks in 2009 before ultimately voting "no."
