Maddow Takes Swipe At HuffPo- Which Who Knows What It Is??


Rachel Maddow tonight devoted some time to “thePaul Ryan thing;” namely, that “Republicans voted for [it]” and now must defend it at town hall meetings. They haven’t always done so with great success, Ryan himself included…but Maddow noticed a dearth of coverage on these angry town hall reactions, as opposed to, say, these.
The exception to this lack of coverage, Maddow said: liberal websites like Think Progress, Daily Kos…and one other famously left-leaning site Maddow apparently feels isn’t so left-leaning these days. Here’s how she put it:
“…and thanks to reporters like Jason Linkins at Huffington Post, which used to be liberal but who knows anymore.”
Man, HuffPo really can’t catch a break lately (except for the whole “getting $315 million” thing). Video below, via MSNBC.
