Two Gay Bashers Arrested } Look at The Pics and Remember}

 Brian Ramirez (left) and Asllan Berishas (right) were arrested for an alleged gay-bashing attack that took place at W. 33rd St. and Ninth Ave. 

 Brian Ramirez-left and Asllan Berichas-right arrested for gay bashing
that took place  at W 33 St. and Ninth Ave. 

Tony Nunziato’s (Assemblyman) Made the announcement and
comment that was a low blow but well damn deserved at former
 MTA Chief Joe Lhota, 
 He called the MTA Police  "No More than Mall Cops” (he should have
included Path Police in that club of high paid security guards, 
I’m Still trying to figure what PATH do. Oh wait
a minute they might collect tolls)

Running for mayor is Joe Lhota, This is the GOP Candidate and 
 Mayors Bloomberg's Original baby.
{Latest on the victims of this crime, are ages 27 and 37 and were rushed to Bellevue for surgery!}

Now one has to give credit to the cams that were installed in that area and the quick action
by NYC Police. The problems with the NYPD is not their fault. They follow
directives and orders. After something happens major short of a terrorist attack
The police get 2 dozens cars and drives around the city. Just drive in a caravan. Uhm? Im sure
they got a good reason to throw money like that away, may be is not theirs.  The commish calls
it “Drilling” oh yes is drilling ok but closer to the one at the dentist office.

{Iam strickly talking about Mayor, Commish and Area and Prect. Commanders}

It takes 2 − 4 of the same serious incident to happen to see the big shots start talking
about doing something. When things die down so does the attention to the problem. The problem is that It doesn’t die and it festers for the next month or the next one.
That is the problem with the system here that allow that type of societal crimes to be
repeated year after year and lately every six months or so. No Fix just look at cams and follow leads like it was a regular crime. Some people even call it ‘Hate Crime.” But you know about hate crimes…and the people doing them know this well.  They get plead down. I am told a hate crime is very hard to get a jury to convict because the law is so hard to interpret and follow as a prosecutor . But it sounds good on the papers, but the only people impress are people that read the papers pay their taxes and accept the crimes.

