
15 Yr Old boy and 9 others Executed by Isis Accused of being Gay

The Pope in New York City { with pictures and tweets}

The Pope Instructs The Bishops on Gay Marriage without mentioning it

Resuscitation! I want this monkey as tech if an Ambulance is needed

Who Lives, How Educated and How Much They make in NYC

Polls Show Kim Davies Have helped the Same Sex marriage Issue she fights

Putin Calls Elton John for Real and Russian Readers are Back

‘F*You White Trash I’m from here’ [New York City]

If The Donald were to quit, the GOP would be in Worse dirty waters

Clerk Kim Davis Looses Another One in Trying to Stall Marriage Licenses

The pope Will be Talking to Congress about Something They would Rather not hear

U.S. Immigration Graph Summary

Prince William defends LGBT Rights and makes History

What Would God Do? El Papa