I don't have a problem with the main media publishing what some scientists have said about a particular study, whether it was well conducted or not. I won't publish studies that in my mind are not backed up by facts. I have listened to this particular way of thinking about stairs vs. elevators or escalators since I was a boy and Im sorry to say that was a long time ago. My point of view is and I know Im not alone because most people know this idea of ignoring advances in science to make your life easier if not better at your own risk. I told my healthcare provider and is not the first time that a Doctor has started thinking about medical science and ignoring my feelings about it: "No one lives forever and I really don't want to be the first one. Extending my life for a week, month year Vs. My happiness is not for me". I don't smoke because I know chances are it will give me lung cancer. Plus my breath will smell bad and my teeth will be yellow. But the science on that is clear and not smoking does not mean you are going to be miserable all your life. If you can't quit and you tried to quit but are not able to and you know chances are you will be hooked up to a machine anytime in the future, then is your responsibility. But coming back to the stairs, Unless you have been in this place of coming home exhausted after a day's work, the escalator is one of the things you will feel wonderful about. Remember you can always jog which is 😊what I used to do and other things to make up for the fact you use elevators and escalators. |