Cubans are Now Fighting Against Ukrainians

Before I say anything else, "Many of Cuba's life span is measured now in Russians Accelerated Months".

What Russia is doing is recruiting Russians on Facebook and Social media. This is what Russia is doing:

They recruit guys that make at the most $35.00 a month in Cuba, they are offered $2,000 a month. 
I understand how they do it. Once I was hired by an outfit called Jack Pesso Enterprises in Long Island. They owned all the Jewelry stores in the mall I was hired to work as Store Manager. The point is they hired me in the fall to have all this money to be made up in bonuses during the Christmas holidays. 
There was no bonus. They could have promised me a million dollars, truth be told once the holidays were over they had their money, and since I used to believe in people's words, there was nothing for me.

These Cubans are dying; long before the month is over and that is that. No payment to widows or compensation to kids. They are just foreigners dying in a foreign land, that is if the family of these Cubans had the information to go to the Russian Embassy and ask about their loved ones, they be told they don't know. In many cases, the month was not over and there Cuban fighter would be dead. they were brought in to stand in front of the Russian soldiers and get the bullet for them.
 These affairs could not happened without the help, consent, and knowledge of the Cuban government.

 Just like Russia hit the workers at the new United States embassy in Habana with radiation ultra waves. They disabled many workers who were just civilians by inundating the building with Radiation.

What I have asked is, What does the US do about this? Nothing. 
Just as much as the government did when they found out the Russian government had interfered in the election and had given the election to the guy running against Hillary Clinton. The Russian brought so much made-up information against her that some smart people were asking, why should I vote for someone who has a ring of underage boys serving as prostitutes and all lies but it worked. 
To say at the time that Trump was an abuser had no power behind it because there was no government (Obama's and the Dems) coming to her rescue. On the other hand, the Russians had plenty of spies to get to the US media and tell their lies. The lies were outrageous that no one with a working mind would believe but people become sometimes brain-dead when it comes to their candidate. But even if it gave a few thousand votes, it will make that candidate win. For example, Hillary won over Trump by 3 million votes but she lost the election over the college vote count. We have America again being destroyed by Trump's followers.

Now Im mixing all together to illustrate;
1. Lies have more go power than the truth
2. People don't use their brains when they are promised what Trump promised but never delivered
3. You don't have to deliver on a false promise if the person is killed by you or you are the winner who controls the government.

So now the $35.00 a month unemployed in Cuba is being promised 2000 dollars a month if they are permitted to be brought over and come to do work. Also many were not told they would fight. If they did show signs they did not want to fight because of a disability or simply did not see themselves as fighters they asked if they knew about Construction? Every Cuban knows construction.
So the Russians got Cubans to be in front of the Russian Soldiers to extend the Russians that were going to also be killed in any case. But it would give the Russian soldiers a few more weeks or less before they were killed. Russia believes the US is tired of the war and the reluctant to give Ulraaine the last Supplemental is proof.

The question is why the US government plays the bottom feeder and not the lead in this sing-and-fight with Russia?

Most people know except Americans it seems. The US does not want Ukraine to win because they do not want Russia to fall to pieces. They are scared of who will take over. They know Putin is all mouth and the money he is making. And the investment of so many wealthy Americans and From Trump to people in Biden's government. They have money tied up which they will lose completely if the government falls. From the beginning, it made no sense that Ukraine would get old equipment (Ukraine just returned to Germany all the 20 Tanks they sent to Ukraine.) Why. Too old and broken!) With the American tanks at the beginning, it was the same thing, surplus. it was the same thing not only did the US at the beginning send equipment that was due to be destroyed but when they sent the good missiles they told Ukraine they could not use them in Russia. Why? Why aren't the talking heads talking about this? "Escalation" But that is an old word. They should be ashame to use it against Ukraine.

This is Adam Gonzalez, Writer and publisher.
Sources: Polish Media with information being published by the Ukraine Media
Information the Writer has been able to obtain from American sources.
