Adamfoxie Still Here..The Computer Part Ordered used But..



Right, I bought it(if they approve the sale...they just did) for $124.00 to be paid in 6 months). I have been using my iPad since the laptop broke. But you can't type and post pictures, or videos on an iPad designing your stories for your blogging space. You also have to repeat the process many times even if it is a fast iPad. Ive tried and I almost lost it. For my sanity, I thought buy,  and it was available, used too.
 I figured my computer was bought new but now it's very used, so it's like putting on new underwear on a soiled body[lol].

Please bear with me until the weekend when I get the part. I posted two important stories today but it took me hours. At least it was a good exercise for my fingers and peripheral vision. Glad I was all alone today that I had the peace and quiet. 

One of the stories was about Mr. Zelensky President of Ukraine. It seems Mr. Biden is becoming afraid of Russia in his very old age. He won't let Ukraine use the weapons they received from the USA on Russian territory.

England and France said screw Putin, go ahead and used any way you see fit. The problem is that the USA has the longer-range missiles to reach inside Russia shooting from Ukraine or from inside the Ukraine border. So Russia has amassed an extraordinary number of missiles and other ordinances just shy of being hit by Ukraine but can't reach them with its shorter-range missiles. They know the policy so they take advantage and Ukraine sees their soldiers dying needlessly when there is a solution that not only will shorten the war but will cancel out all the bombing of school hospitals and civilian infrastructures inside Ukraine. About Nukes, we have nukes and they cancel each other out. Putin is a coward and bully, all he cares about is power and living as healthy as possible to enjoy it. He is not not even going to use tactical because he knows what will happen yet he shows them to Biden to get him scared. Those tactical don't have much range and can't do much damage. Yes, it can kill soldiers but Russia is killing soldiers as you read this, so what's the upside? The upside is to show them and not use them because if he uses them he will only use them once. At this moment he is using chemical weapons and he didn't even have to manufacture most of them because he got them from Syria with the red line given by the then President. He told Assad to get rid of them. Putin said, I take them off their hands and surprisingly the US said yes. This is not looking into the future and trusting dictators like Putin who does not know what truth looks like. Certain things never change. The abuse will abuse and the lier will always lie.
Well, at least I was able to write this for you. Thank you for reading this. Stay with me

Adam Gonzalez, Founder
