The New Vice President of the US will be:

I am not a betting man but I do get a lot of information. My heart wishes that Pete Buttigieg will get it because he will do a great job and he is gay like I am. But he will be the wrong choice. Imagine Trump hitting the ticket about his division of gay people. The last thing we need. This group headed by Trump has no scruples and they do whatever they do regardless of the consequences.

The right choice if she has someone no one knows about is Gov. Shapiro.

In this choice, the government gives it what she is missing like experience and age. She still seems to be young even though she is already 60. He also gives a state the Dems must win to win the election.

So I told you first. Gov Shapiro! Now go and make your bets before she announces.
To the winner, we need a new Apple computer, very and. The bad aids on this one are beginning to peel off.
