Justice Sotomayor Warns of Another Ruling on Gay Marriage
There is been talk about this issue for a while. Those Gays backing a conservative court have argued that once you are married you are married. My answer has been only if you die. Rulings by a court that does not respect precedent put old issues back in the forefront. Justice Alito with Justice Thomas said it clearly after the abortion decision. All they need is the right case to be brought up to them and then what would we ask those gay Trump backers, Where are you going to hide? They seem to be gays with money maybe they leave the country for Canada but where does that leave the gay population in the States?
First, the LGBTQ+ community must accept we are in perilous times and these are not the times to play games at the box or not to stay home so as not to vote for Biden. The thing is we are not voting for Biden. We are voting for ourselves because there are things we want and need that we will not get from any modern President or Republican Congress or Cabin Republicans.
The warning is out!
Adam Gonzalez, Writer
(Dedicated to someone who did not get married then, Franklyn)