1970 The Inaugural Pride March in NYC-Nobody, But No Body is Better Than Me!

Pride had a lot of influence on me to come out. If thousands of gays and Lesbians could unite on Fifth Avenue in New York City, more than your eyes could see from the front of it. For the first time ever I felt proud and it never left me. When some ask why pride? Some Hetero do their parade and I wonder what they celebrate. We celebrate that we have overcome so much. tyranny, and violence just because we are who we are. What tyranny does a white hetero has to suffer from being white? Well maybe if you went for drugs in a black neighborhood you got busted by the cops but that was on you. and it has nothing to do with who you not who you choose to be. We can choose to be proud or frightened, closeted or proud. I choose pride every time because nobody, but nobody is better than me!

Adam Gonzalez, Founder
Photo credit: Scott Lynch

The inaugural March took place in 1970, one year after the Stonewall Uprising, and has since evolved into an annual civil rights demonstration. Its purpose has expanded over time to encompass raising awareness about the fight against AIDS and honoring those we have lost to illness, violence, and neglect.

The 2024 NYC Pride March will begin at 11am on June 30th from 25th Street and 5th Avenue. Marchers will proceed south on 5th Avenue before heading west on 8th Street. After crossing over 6th Avenue, the March will continue on Christopher Street passing the Stonewall National Monument. It will then turn north on 7th Avenue, passing the New York City AIDS Memorial, before dispersing in Chelsea at 16th Street and 7th Avenue.
