Debate]Who Really Lost? People In The Know]Americans dont turn tail and Run. Do You?
[Last posting in regards to the debate and where we are as a nation]

A psychopath is what some people with influence and money want as President. Their world becomes easy because they can control the Psychopath with illusions of grandeur. Before You get off of where you are weigh what you would lose. See how deep down the other path is lest not injured or killed if we fall because is too far down and the pretty green we saw was just plastic greenery made in China.

Adamfoxie Blog Int

I had an ambush on Thursday Afternoon from A woman yelling Dirty faggot as intended to come back into the building. Will tell you the story but more important is what's below. I rushed home on Thursday after getting the DAT or Desk Appearance Ticket for July to defend myself because as usual the gay guys get busted first.
But First:

After I listed to countless republicans Middle of the Road and Dems. Mostly this is a reminder to us all. We have our President with a record of three years, which anyone who is not a MAGA can see and feel.

The title of this should be What Would Happen to Our Country Next?
There is very little to say about Donald because we know him and how much money he made. His family breaks the law of having a family working out of the white house and earning money besides their government and benefits from the government. So you the legal trouble and how he is lived his life. He has nt changed but during that Presidency. During that time got COVID and that was not his fault but what was his fault was how he acted against it. He reacted and you can remember How he denied it was bad and when it was really bad he said it was getting better. He gave us tools such as bleach to drink and lights to light up our stomachs and kill them.

 Nations that have the right to elect their leaders freely, they want to hire someone that Protects the nation against foes internal or coming from the outside. Those coming from the outside can kill us quicker than any disease. We have nations such as Cuba, Venezuela, Russia and Ukraine. Of them, only Ukraine picked someone who worked making people laugh on TV to be the leader and he went and got his friends together and saved his nation. Regardless of how many more Ukrainians die and that is so unfortunate, the nation has been saved. As long as Ukraine has weapons Putin will not walk into Kyev and put his government down with the Russian flag. It just can not happen. Currently, they are defending against attacks but not losing and trying to get bout 15% of the country back from the Russians. 
So that is why a nation elects the President.

Going back in which the tough  Dem guys are walking around wearing pink tiaras and singing a retreat song. "Let's get another candidate" to beat Trump. But because Joe did not do as well as expected. Well, there will be another one. But debates are like a picture you take of anything. It is a screenshot for that minisecond.
That is how things were, not that they were to tell the future.

Joe Biden could have owned more specifically of how well the nation is compared to Trump's years.

If you have an argument on any of this, please go into Google not Fox, and find out about that specific point Im making.

* Joe should have reminded Americans of the first question which was about tariffs. He should have reminded Americans when Trump said he tariffed China 10% or more to make them pay America.
Well, Donald does not know what Tarrrifs are neither do most people. Who pays them is the important thing if we put 20% tariffs on China, China does not pay it is paid by Americans that buy Chinese goods.
Why Joe did not say that? Just like Donald says he gave a big Tax cut to Americans, he did, to billionaires and the people below under $150000  got less than leftovers. What were the results? Inflation was up and we went into a depression.

*This reminds me of when Trump wanted the NATO allies to pay more. Why? He would say everyone should pay their bills, except Donald. Donald does not pay a remainder balance to anyone. People that do business for him do it for politics and if it's for money they either get paid ahead or they overcharge to cover what he won't pay. But For him to say they should "Pay this money" shows he does not know how NATO which we invented to stop the wars in Europe which were happening quite close to each other.
 He does not know how it runs and this was not asked in the Questions but there is always a way to push it in. So with NATO, the way it works is every member should have 2% of the GR national income invested in their defense and their weapons. No money comes to the US unless they buy weapons from an American company, which they don't. They buy from the cheapest within the world, including China and it also used to be Russia down to $1.7....Trump $13.13... They talk about the deficit but I dont remember Joe bringing that up in a way that people could understand.

* On the Trump side everything he said in numbers was wrong. His numbers were wrong and his facts of what he did were wrong.
Europeans like Americans but not during the Trump years. People overseas had lost any respect for us. You know who also had no respect for us.

Now he is right about one thing. Putin did not invade Ukraine totally. He already had taken Crimea but he wanted the pie. Why would you fight for something when is being given to you? They decided to invade and take over under Biden. They knew they were not to be given that pie. Not having a lot of respect for us because Ukraine was our ally in line for membership in NATO and the EU. Putin probably thought now or never as Ukraine got stronger. Now Trump had lied to Putin and others telling him it was a piece of cake and he could take Kyiev in three days. Well, Putin found out when Biden said we will not let Ukraine loose and we are with you for the duration.

* Europeans are also helping Ukraine which Putin has destroyed every city they have taken. Have killed the younger men took the children to Russia to be adopted and left every city without water and light and people living in basements. {{PUTIN}} for your best pal of Trump. But they are shaking hoping Trump does not come again because then there will be no United States as we know it. I hope you are proud to be an American. Not because you kiss flags or wear them but because you know who you are and are thankful you were born here or thankful you became a citizen here. We are not like your old country if you come from Latin America or the parts around Russia that they control (Georgia, etc)
* I can keep on going and you will get tired reading.

The conclusion is Trump came on as a mean old man with ideas of grandeur and No facts but he put them out as truth. Like Trump said to someone who does not work for him anymore: "IM surprised the people I canstand that are worse than dirty toilets are the people that love me, that life for you".

Listen Im with you Joe Could have done better and he will but  Good talking to a good president does not make, A liar a bad friend, and a bad President.

There will be other chances and I have seen Joe come from behind. Do you abandon your horse because it was behind on one lab and America is not a horse America is you! America has always been great. 

America has never lost a war. WW1 WW2 Korea, after mass losses on both sides we were fighting North Korea and China with weapons from Russia. It was not our land. We even had the NBomb before Russia got it through A spy. The United States Stopped and had an armistice to divide and stop the killing.
In Vietnam which was a mistake to go in we had to stop. Instead, eventually, we helped Vietnam when they united. 

Afghanistan a republican president put us there but we were looking for the mastermind of the 10/11
Maybe we should have gotten before but before who was President?  Trump. Joe failed to remind him he lost Afghanistan which Joe had to get out to stop the killing, I dont agree with how he did but we could not stay. Why did he not ask Trump when he said look what you did in Afghanistan! Donald, I got us out, Why didn't you? Whose orders were you obeying when you kept saying we were coming but never did like he never finished the wall. By the way, Donald's long-time personal secretary says Donald was not a believer in god. He had a hatred of religious people,, who were dumb, and hated gays, Puerto Rican Children, and blacks in that order.
People are talking about how bad Trump looks I also hear calls for Joe to drop. SUCH, is the fear of a Trump presidency. I think is ridiculous. When you get punched who says you turn tail and run back?? NO, we fight back and get stronger.

Next will be my experience of getting a ride in a Police car in handcuffs and being given a desk appearance ticket for July. I have a scratch on my neck and I fought back, which put me on the losing side
of this black lady put in my building through some sort of rescue program. She called me a "dirty Faggot" and came at me. The building camera was on my back top and saw me step towards her. Im not sure if that is true I have not seen the tape but people are guessing what happened.

Thank you...always appreciate any encouragement I get.
