Adamfoxie got Locked Up 5 hrs Rushed home for Debate

Adam Gonzalez, Founder adamfoxie Blog Int

Hello Dear readers.

I usually dont address you like this but with actual news and current affairs particularly if they pertain to the LGBTQ+ community. They ARE MY PEOPLE AND I HAVE ALWAYS  had them come first in anything serious conversation.
So what happened?

Well, I was set up and attacked by a woman in the Bronx, NYC who came after me and I was stupid enough to come for her after she hit me in the back calling me "a Dirty Faggett". The dirty fagget was only meant for me it was a setup because she did that sound and an anti-gay song and dance, around January of this year. 

I promised I would let you in into this anti-gay experience and it won't be the first time I have been called a fagott but never dirty. But I was let go with a desk appearance ticket( a desk appearance ticket if you have a clean record or even if your record is not that clean but never anything serious, they let go without letting spending the night in the night in jail or Precinct house lockdown and you are giving a date to appear in court. The prosecutor will decide then to what charges if any they will pursue) at about 8:20pm I was let go and even though I could hardly walk I was rushing home for a shower and the debate so I really wanted to write to you about the debate from a gay man to the gay community.

I have heard about 20 talking heads. On the Trump side, it was the same thing. He never lies. In the Biden group, there is a group never happy that Biden was this old but never minded Trump and the two of them are very close in age. So I would like to concentrate on what I heard that are facts. We should never be allowed to sided-wined optics unless we see both in fairness. The optics about Trump have not changed and he remains who he is. People are voting now that never gone through mentally what we older men and women had to go through COVID, the lockdowns, etc. Under Trump who denied the virus was taking thousands of lives, eventually millions in the United States. Instead, he kept saying it was all ok. He recommended taking bleach to kill the virus and light in your stomach, not sure how flashlight is? 

So tomorrow on my first posting it will be a continuation of this. can just give you facts you can easily check but many of you will remember or know those are facts because you remember.

So what is the issue now? The issue should have been one of the one of the two did better than the other. But no, we are hearing a backlash from certain Democrats asking for Biden to step down and have an open convention. For people who know the chaos that has always been it would be giving Trump the Presidency again. So we should know who is saying that why and why is For Biden to quit and have Trump a better deal. I mean if you like Biden all you have to do is back him if you know the facts and believe he has done a good job particularly compared to Bleach and Lightman whose COVID allowed so many millions of people to die their morgues and hospitals were full and they were using refrigerated Trucks parked on the streets for the ideal ones. I know about it so much. I lost my dear sister who according to her Space cadet hisbad said she fell getting up from bed got dizzy and fell hittinher head against a night table. She was in Florida I was in NYC but it could be the moon because patients were not allowed to visit. Who was President and why he allowed this virus to get out of hand. Well, the same reason Pres. Reagan allowed the AIDS virus to get a hold. With Reagan was gays with Trump it was everybody but him.

I hope you come back to borrow and allow me to finish that column. I promise I will come back to the subject's touch here.
Thank you for now, Adam Gonzalez for the adamfoxie blog
