Update on The U.S. Actions Within 72 Hrs.(Loss of Two Seals Specialists)

 This is both reporting by the Publisher including opinions on the events.

Israel decided to go into Gaza and Kill whoever was standing in the way of their bombs because they were a victim of a terrorist attack in which Hamas, whatever they are, they are not people. They don't follow the rules of Islam because Even I know Islam forbids harm to children, widows, and those sick. 

They follow no human rules nor the religion they say they follow. Reminds me of the Evangelicals supporting Trump for the power they think he will have in getting things they want to have more power in the US. I don't see them as religious just like the killer of Hamas.
The problem is that Israel has lowered itself with a lawbreaker Prime Minister who feels like Trump. :I need to do what I do or be in jail. That's my own interpretation, not quotes.
Israel does not take into account either the hostages or how complicated they are making a region that has always been in this century as a power cake. 
That leaves the U.S. to either pick up the pieces or to try to diffuse with power what Israel is CAUSING WITH PEOPLE THAT JUST WANT AN EXCUSE TO BRING WAR TO THE REGION.

You have the Yemenis, particularly the Houthis. They think they are poor, some are, and they also are; I think that the U.S. as a friend of Israel needs to be attacked. Where is the U.S. The U.S. is where their ships are. Iran wants to....what do they want? They got their revolution, took American hostages and because the United did not want war they felt free now to attack the American frigates and ships protecting the free navigation so the rest of the world including Americans goods without inflation which would come as the owners of the ships that are being attacked by Iran and the Houthis suffer more expensive delays or going around further away sea lanes.

A dhow was identified, on Jan. 10, 2024, and an assessment was made that the dhow was in the process of smuggling.

The United States decided to attack a ship from Iran to Yemen, full of armaments made in China and assembled in Iran. Finally, the US decided to stop them but the sea was not in their favor. 

The US seals went on a smaller boat to board this ship. They had to do it when they did even in bad weather because otherwise they would miss the opportunity to board that ship. Well, they did but as they were boarding, waves 10-20 feet high got one of the seals. The US military opposite of the Russians in the invasion of Ukraine, does not leave theirs behind. As the Seal went down to the seas his partner jumped after him. Unfortunately, it seems they both drown. You can imagine how bad the weather was that night that caused a highly trained specialist to be thrown into the sea. You must imagine that a rescue is impossible but his buddy did not think about that out of Training, impulse, and love for his peers he jumped into the dark water of the sea and disappeared along with his partner.

That is what has been going on in the US. Military.

In Ukraine, they have been doing most of NATO's shipment of ammunition and they got two Russian birds. One of them being one of the most expensive airships the Russians have. This is similar to an AWACS plane from the west. They are not as nicely equipped but still mortal when they can see Ukraine's air force and mark them be shot down with their planes, or artillery.
On land Trump was kicked out of court for being disruptive in a trial he didn't even have to be there.
