White House Tries to Reassure the Nation, Do You feel Reassured?


The White House on Friday sought to assure the nation that it is prepared to deal with Hurricane Harvey, which is expected to hammer the Gulf Coast region with hundred-mile-an-hour winds and torrential rainfall on Friday night.
The Trump administration faces a major test in organizing the government response to Hurricane Harvey, which is expected to make conditions dangerous for the nearly 5 million people in its path for the next several days.
At a press briefing on Friday, homeland security adviser Tom Bossert assured the country that Trump is prepared to offer the full resources of the White House to the affected states and warned that “now is not the time to lose faith in your government institutions.”
One question needs to be asked. On a FEMA that suffered cuts it's head similar to the equestrian not an expert on anything to do with FEMA but as a thank you job assignment. Who knew nothing about Katrina. The particular man Trump has put in place as a thank you for backing him is not experience in weather, evacuations or how to safely rescue and support people caught on the worse parts of the storm.
To be able to survive relatively well on a hurricane is to prepare long before it gets to you. As far as the government is a concern it needs a year or more to get ready. If Trump would have kept the same amount of money, know how and disaster preparedness as the Previous President had, then it just left to nature and not neglect of man. Now in the next 24-48  hours after the storm, it will tell you what has been done right and what has been done wrong and whether the mistakes of the past have been ignored or not.
