Archbishop Dolan, Dust Yourself Up and 'Leave our Children Alone'

I could Post sexual crimes against Priests, Bishops and preachers of morality who abuse boys and girls all day long.  These people ArchBishop Dolan included have ingrained in their guts and in what they do,  does not compare to a human being, particularly a man being born gay.
 Dolan abused his opportunity given by a bunch of politicians at the DNC Convention, to bring people together, to heal. Isn’t that what they profess? Isn’t that what you profess?
I will warn Dolan and men in high command of this non tax paying organization that there is enough to shame them to the cellars and catacumbas where they keep the bones of the dead enshrined with all the awful miss-deads they have done through the centuries. The church, should be the last one to call anyone a sinner or a non member of the human community.  They have set the worse examples as bad as any killer through the centuries.  Our memories are so short. We tend to concentrate on monsters like Hitler and the such. When you go back further than that,  you find as bad a crime as any killer in the 20-21 century. Blood that flowed around the world for longer than any despot that we currently know.
How many Cathedrals would that fill?
We can bring your history back and slapped you in front of your eyes with it or you can start trying to get redemption for you.The start would be that you ArchBishop  and the likes,  dust yourself up of those habits that are not compatible with human beings. Practice your religion, keep it to yourself and leave our children alone!
Adam Gonzalez 

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