A Disturbing View of Our System, Is it true?

I print the news that affect at least some of us. A community of gays. friends and families of gays. This is one of those times Im printing something bothersome that I don’t agree with. Why post it? Because many people see our government this way (described below). Indeed what is said below is not a lie. It’s all true! That is why 
I am posting it. But I don’t agree with it. Not agreeing with something that is the truth? Absolutely.

I will tell you why by giving you an example:  You take your date out to dinner. During dinner you start discussing how they killed the cow so you could eat the steak or the chicken to eat. Is it true? Yes Does it help in what you are trying to accomplish? You most be crazy!

 But the issue is not the process of watching sausage or hamburger meat being made or put together. Not pretty but true.  But the issue is the restaurant and the food system we have. Great restaurant out there in all price ranges. Things wrong with it, like abusing the animals, etc.? Yes             

The question ought to be, not the name or the process of our system of government and how it works, but how the government stays together in an unfriendly world yet with people that will give their lives to be here. Also keeping in mind that because of the statement below we need to always work to improve our system, so the most people are able to live productive lives to keep it going themselves keeping the system of government but going and improving it. Improving so we can recognize that change cannot happen in four years or eight for that matter. Change starts slow.  It takes decades and more. But we are a nation that want immediate results.  People running for office need to offer instant results. 

Usually a president gets two terms but the then the voters go the opposite way 
(exception FDR that brought the nation out from the stone age to the new automotive and factory system of the time..started SS and health insurance for when you retired or if  you became disabled). 
They elect the next President of opposite views. You promised. Not happening the way you said, so lets get someone opposite of you.  So we are always in the same hole. We elect a democrat President and a republican Congress. It’s like americans do not understand the job of the Presidency…which with the exception of the military, the president is a figure head. He can’t make laws and there are laws that will become so, even without his signature, even if he vetoes them. 

The very rich does not make jobs. What makes jobs is the people working to make what ever they working at, wether a car or a letter for the boss, making it work, making it good;, So there is a happy customer for the car and the boss is happy to keep you in that job. We also have to understand that in a society that is wanting to stay together(after a civil war in the 1800’s and insurrections in the 60’s) is a society that need to put out a helping hand to some and be able to give a helping hand to the ones that had it but lost it. No jumping off windows because of money. Save it for a fire you can’t escape. Now let me give you the opinion Ive been referring to.  (Adam Gonzalez, Publisher)

This is the statement  for which I gave such a long introduction:

"The reason anyone who dedicates himself or herself to getting Romney elected, as a means of protecting personal wealth from confiscation, will be sorely disappointed. Republicans as much as Democrats find ways to take what is yours.

And by the way, Obama thinks the same way. Obama will never convince voters who are already dedicated to Romney, and every single Obama adviser knows this. This is a fight for the remaining 5%. And what’s more, politics is business in another form. It is about giving and getting. Political parties represent interests, not ideas.
But oh, how precious is American political culture! We must not hear these things. We must never be permitted to hear what is true. Instead we have a Victorian sensibility about our civic religion. We sing the national anthem, say the pledge and reflect on 19th-century mythologies about our revered Founders, because, after all, we have the greatest system of government ever conceived, one so wonderful that it should be exported and imposed all over the world.
Or so we tell our youngsters. As adults, we should know the truth. Politics is a means of wealth redistribution. Electoral strategy is a race to the bottom. After all, it is emphatically not the case that Romney’s chosen constituents are free of dependency. Note that he is ramping up his imperial warmonger talk in recent days.
Every day, there is a new enemy that he accuses Obama of not slaying. And it’s not only about the military. It is about our trading partners. He has blasted the Obama administration for being soft on China.
What’s this about? It’s about reassuring his supportive pressure groups that he supports their interests. He will protect the American corporate class against foreign enemies who attempt to bypass the corporate oligarchs by selling cheap stuff to you and me. No, he won’t let that happen. And it is about reassuring the military-industrial complex that its subsidies will continue.
In fact, Romney represents a different class of dependents. Large banks. Financial institutions on the dole. Monied elites who live off cheap credit and infinite liquidity courtesy of the central bank.
Either way, the rest of us get looted. The election is about who controls that margin of loot that remains after the autopilot spending administered by the permanent class of bureaucrats is finished doling out its entitlements left and right.
In a way, I feel sorry for the bourgeoisie gathered in that small room to hear Romney’s talk. He wanted their money — a payment in exchange for his promise to protect their wealth from the grasping hoards. But he still wanted their money. Whether he will actually do this is another matter. And why should they have to pay at all?
There once was this idea called freedom. You keep what you earn. You don’t live off others. You mind your own business. Society works out its own problems without politicians, police, bureaucrats, and power elites running their lives.
Is what both Romney and Obama are doing a corruption of the idea of the political party? Ludwig von Mises, whose bookLiberalism (a Laissez Faire Club selection) explains everything you need to know about democracy, says that this is precisely why political parties were founded. “All modern political parties and all modern party ideologies originated as a reaction on the part of special group interests fighting for a privileged status against liberalism.”
The best statement on this topic was framed by Frederic Bastiat: “The state is the great fictitious entity by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else.” In his book, The Law, Bastiat explains that the purpose of law is precisely to prevent the mutual looting that goes by the name democracy. But once property rights are no longer secure, political elites can plunder with impunity.
That’s why no truly independent minded person can depend on any political machine to protect his or her interests. To keep our liberty and property from their clutches is our job."
for The Daily Reckoning   
