Really Apple? LGBT People Can't Be "Cured" With an APP
It seems that every time we turn around there is a new app and app that seems
to suit every possible situation of need. Over the course of time we have seen
some apps that are highly offensive, but this one sinks to a new level of low.
Exodus International is an organization that believes that LGBT people can
change who they are - in short not only are they LGBT their beliefs fall under
the category of a hate group.
No one is saying that the journey to sexual holiness and integrity is easy. It requires strong motivation, hard work, and perseverance. But hundreds of men and women have experienced a great degree of personal transformation–attaining abstinence from homosexual behaviors, lessening of homosexual temptations, strengthening their sense of masculine or feminine identity, correcting distorted styles of relating with members of the same and opposite gender. Some of these men and women marry and some don’t, but marriage is not the measuring stick; spiritual growth and obedience are.I know that the internet is filled with a lot of misinformation, just look at the
Measuring change in sexual orientation, on the other hand, is complex and problematic. For one thing, not all professionals even agree on the definition of sexual orientation. But both retrospective (looking backwards in time) and prospective (observation in real time) studies have discovered that shifts in desire, fantasy and behavior from same-sex toward opposite sex can occur, and that the attempt to make these changes is not inherently harmful. (source)
people who claim daily that White people can be subject to reverse racism
-- Ummm yeah-- giving a large platform to these group of devoted haters
is still disgusting. It legitimizes their hatred and makes it seem as though
they have something substantial to say. Just because they couch their hate
rhetoric in the selective reading of the bible does not make them holy,
or correct.
The very fact that they suggest that forcing LGBT people to conform to
cissexist and heterosexist standards is not harmful, is a perfect example
of just how harmful they are. How many trans women of colour have
been murdered for just existing? How many gay and lesbian youth
have committed suicide to avoid the hatred and shame imposed upon
them by a heterosexist society? Somehow these yahoos have missed
all of this and claim that the hate that they project outward into the
world is not harmful.
When I first became aware of my sexuality, I knew I liked men.
When I think
about sex, it always involves a man, though I am not nearly as
penis obsessedas say Laurel K Hamilton.
I am quite sure, for many heterosexual people happens the same
It is not because liking the opposite sex supposedly
naturally occurs; it is simply what gets my groove on. I fail to see why it is
so hard to understand that it happens the same way for gays and lesbians.
What turns your crank, turns your crank plain and simple. I cannot for the
life of me understand the constant desire to enter the bedrooms of others and
decide what is and is not perversion between two consenting adults. These
people need to focus on their sex/love lives. Finally, for all of their biblical
justification I cannot help but wonder how many biblical laws they are actually following. How many mixed blends are hanging in their closets. Look God
said judge not lest ye be judged for a reason -- no one is perfect and we do all to remember this before wagging our fingers and bringing out the holy indignation.
As a Christian woman, I can clearly say that they are not part of any church or organization I would recognize as practicing the word of God.
And a little note to Apple -- What the fly fuck were you thinking?
Donating 100K to help fight prop 8, does not give you a free pass to spread homophobia and transphobia.
I am quite sure the LGBT community cannot be so easily bought.
If that were not enough, the app has been given a 4+ rating, denoting this hateful
shit as containing "no objectionable material". Really? How can telling the
LGBTQI community that they are sinning, have impure sexual desires and
gender identities not be objectionable? Oh I see, as long as you are supporting dominant paradigms and creating a group to marginalize and oppress, that's
a good thing, because any semblance of real equality would mean sharing
power and we simply cannot do that can we. I wonder how it is that Apple
cannot see the dissonance between fighting prop 8 and allowing this app.
I suppose this means we need to make them understand. Change.Org is
collecting signatures for a petition and I think we should sign it, and let
Apple know that wrapping hate up in technology and the bible is not
acceptable. Supporting apps like that is the same as agreeing with those
haters. Unfortunately, I cannot boycott Apple because I don't own any
Apple products nor do I have any plans to purchase any soon, but I really
think as activists, whenever we have the opportunity to say with our hard
earned money, that we are not going to participate in the clear oppression
of others we should.