Gay Dude For Pres. F*Off -Ricky Martin Luv u but F*Off-Target r u anti gay? F.O


 Gay News Roundup
BY MATT MILLS – A gay guy has announced a bid for the US Republican presidential nomination in 2012. Fred Karger, his name is. He’s never run for political office before, but he reportedly served as an advisor to presidents Ford, Reagan and Bush I.
Here's what he said when asked how he could reconcile being a Republican with the party’s irrational, stubborn and tiresome stand on gay issues:

"Being a gay Republican is kind of an oxymoron," he told CBS news. "I have been a fighter in my party. I have always been on the more moderate side, but I'm also a protégée of Lee Atwater. We need to open up this party, and that's one of my reasons for running. The party should not be dominated by one faction or another. It should be open to all."

Take a good look at him. This may be the last time you hear his name mentioned on mainstream television. 

I love you Fred, now fuck off.

* * *
And speaking of gay guys who hid in the closet for years, building impressive careers on the backs of oppressed gay people, and who came out, to great adulation, only after the cat got out of the bag and they realized they were going to be okay….

The Pink News reports that Ricky Martin performed for a group of managers from US retailer Target, just weeks after Lady Gaga kicked them to the curb for donating money to rightwing, anti-gay causes.

I love you too, Ricky, now fuck off.

Now A Parody song by Sean Chapin on Target
