This a judge that will not bore you. He is truly interested in each case. He seems to give equal time and opportunity to each side. Do not BS him, or he will come back and with a question or statement and will bite you back. Fortunate that I appeared before him. The first time I was not prepare since I was defending myself for lack of funds and could not afford a lawyer. The system seemed to confused me. He however adjourned the case giving me and the other side to comeback prepared. I did come back as prepare as I could under my circumstances. He knew my research most have been done on the net. He however, paid attention to those points. I was fortunate that before I presented my defense the Judge had some of the same questions I had for the plaintiff. When you know the judge is fair and not side with the big money and 'they most be right' because they can afford lawyers. 'This little guy is nothing, just wasting my time' That is something you will not get from this judge. Just be prepare to answer the questions. Particularly if you are accusing someone of something. You most proof your case. Like he said " The defendant could stand there and be as stupid as a rock" You most have the burden of proof because you are accusing the defendant. You don't want to loose and you know you are on the right, but if you loose being given a fair chance to present your case your way, since you can't afford legal representation; If you loose your case then, at least you feel you had a fair shot. I am delighted that Judge Straniere is getting the bulk of the credit card cases in his courtroom. No one is better prepare to deal with a corrupt system that takes advantage of consumers, a system that when in trouble for it's own misgivings gets bailed out by the government. He will make sure that neither side is taking advantage of each other. He will make both side sweat it out. Not fair one might think if you are innocent or you are right on your litigation, but that's the only way in this country of ours. That is the only fair way, Painful but fair.
This is a case and the above is a survey in which someone was a defendant at this judge's court. The finality of the outcome is not yet known. Do not know how this judge feels about any gay issues. I've read about his background and he has worked in Ca, NJ and NY. Talks like an educated Nyker. With the sense of fairness, common sense and humor that is describe here, I don't see how he could not be for equal rights for all, even though I read he is a republican.
adamfoxie* | 2011-03-13 |
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