GLSEN & Pat Griffin Unveil "Changing The Game" Combat Ho'phobia in K12
We’ve written about it here over the last few months, and now GLSEN is officially launching its Sports Project, ‘Changing The Game.’ The initiative is designed to combat homophobia in K-12 sports by opening conversations in schools and on teams about the issue. The project’s Web site provides resources for athletes, coaches and administrators to identify and tackle homophobia. From the site:
The Sport Project’s mission is to assist K-12 schools in creating and maintaining an athletic and physical education climate that is based on the core principles of respect, safety and equal access for all students, teachers and coaches regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression and integrating these efforts into overall school plans to ensure a safe, respectful school climate and culture.
The project is headed up by Pat Griffin, who has been at the forefront of anti-homophobia initiatives in scholastic sports for decades. I also serve on the advisory board of about 20 people. Together we have developed a litany of resources for everyone in K-12 sports who want to target homophobia in their school and make it safer for LGBT athletes. One of the hallmarks is the Team Respect Challenge, which encourages entire teams to take a stand for fairness and inclusion, two key traits of successful sports teams.
Download and read GLSEN’s full press release here.
GLSEN has produced a short video interviewing many of the members of the advisory board. You can watch that here: