Glee Casts a Psychiatrist!
Which Character Needs Therapy the Most? by JENNA MULLINS
We mostly love Glee because it's full of colorful kooks riding the crazy train with maybe a stop in Narcissist City along the way. So, really, the fact that Ryan Murphy & Co. are now looking for someone to play a psychiatrist shouldn't come as any surprise to us Gleeks.
Just what type of psych expert are they casting? Find out, plus get our breakdown of Glee's nuttiest characters and place your votes for the craziest in our poll...
Glee is casting for the role of Dr. Shane, described as "a very smart, cool and kind psychiatrist." Right now, the role is described as a guest stint, but it could possibly be a recurring gig. Dr. Shane won't be appearing until after the mini hiatus, so in the meantime, let's speculate on who at McKinley High is most likely to head to the psych couch.
Emma Pillsbury: She was your first guess, right? The school counselor often needs to read her own pamphlets. Do you think she has one called: "I'd open this pamphlet, but I'm too afraid of the germs. And by the way, I married someone I won't have sex with and I'm in love with Will Schuester"? Sure, it's a long title. But someone needs to get this girl a psych referral, pronto.
Dave Karofsky: He's so mad about his own sexuality, he threatens other gay teens. We've been begging this character to go to therapy since he first picked on Kurt. Maybe the time has finally come for Dave to get help and stop his bullying ways for good.
Rachel Berry: If those gold stars and flames in the pilot didn't tip you off to her craziness, then what show have you been watching? Rachel mellowed out while dating Finn, but since that went south, the old fame-hungry diva has reared her lovely head once again. Or maybe her quest to win Finn back finally sends her over the edge? It depends on what she wants most after Regionals: being Finn's girlfriend again or being a star.
Adam Rose/FOX
Santana Lopez: She finally admitted her feelings to Brittany and to herself, but she got shut down. Although it didn't exactly happen in a cruel way, Santana's crushed advances (and soul) mean that she'll probably go back to her usual bitchy ways. But this time, she might be ready to make a change by enlisting a psychiatrist to help her through the rough waters.
Sue Sylvester: We know what you're thinking. Sue is the last person in the world who would ever to go to therapy—which is why it'd be totally awesome if she ended up on the couch. After all, Sue is headed in that direction anyway. She lost her Cheerios, she attempted suicide with gummy vitamins, and it looks like her plan to sabotage New Directions at Regionals fails hard. Paging Dr. Shane.
Kurt Hummel: Battling with bullies could send anyone to therapy, but add Kurt's issues with his own sexuality (he plugged his ears when his dad tried to have "the talk" with him) and you've got the perfect candidate for a little talk therapy.
There you have it, gang: your Glee candidates for therapy. Who do you think will be hitting Dr. Shane's couch? And don't be afraid to write in your vote if we forgot a crazy character!