Gay rights groups criticize Apple over "gay cure" app

Gay rights groups criticize Apple over "gay cure" appApple welcomed a wave of criticism from gay rights campaigners after the Cupertino-basedcompany approved the "gay cure" app that advocates against homosexuality.
The "gay cure" app, which has been developed by US-based Christian organization, Exodus International, guides homosexuals on how to convert from homosexuality to heterosexuality.
Apple has given "4+" rating to the app, which is available through company's online app store iTunes for free. The rating shows that the company does not believe that the app contains anything offensive.
Bur, U. S. pressure group Change. org said, "Apple doesn't allow racist or anti-Semitic apps in its app store, yet it gives the green light to an app targeting vulnerable LGBT youth with the message that their sexual orientation is a sin that will make your heart sick and a counterfeit."
In 2010, Apple had approved software from the Manhattan Declaration that aimed at encouraging users to take a stand against gay marriages but the software was later removed due to criticism from gays.
Around 37,000 have signed an online petition to persuade Apple to drop the controversial "gay cure" app.

Submitted by Neelesh Raghuwanshi
