Carl Paladino..Remember this anti Gay NY Candidate? Refuses To Pay His Campaign Debts

by Bridgette P. LaVictoire
Carl Paladino is rich, he is loony, he may have other qualities, but what we all know is that he is also a deadbeat. The failed New York gubernatorial candidate has decided that he no longer needs to pay his campaign staffers, consultants and vendors that helped him lose against Andrew Cuomo. Apparently, Paladino owes some $130,000 in various fees and salaries, but that is not surprising.
“I would have expected a nice thank-you from Carl for all the hard work I had contributed, but instead I got screwed,” said Tim Suereth, who first served as manager of internal operations and later as an unpaid volunteer.
While the campaign paid him $31,912 in salary, the millionaire businessman through direct correspondence has refused to reimburse him for $6,300 in expenses, Suereth said.
Apparently, there are far more gripes out there than just that. This is not surprising. Let us face facts, various rich guys have been doing whatever they can to legalize criminal behavior so long as it is done by the privileged classes, and it just seems like Paladino has not quite gotten the memo that what he is doing is wrong.
The Koch brothers, for instance, have spent billions of dollars getting sympathetic politicians in office and getting them even more money lobbying for things like a cut in the cigarette tax.
