Morality on a Bun: Chick-fil-A is Anti-Gay **Update**

UPDATE: Call it a fried chicken fiasco. Indiana University South Bend cut fast-food chicken patty wonder Chick-fil-A from its list of campus vendors after it was revealed that the restaurant would be supplying food free of charge for anti-gay event. According to, the movement to ban Chick-fil-A on campus started with a group of students who came together in opposition of the franchise’s support of groups like Focus on the Family and the Ruth Institute.

Read the full story from the Huffington Post.
adamfoxie*blog Int.
You see, the tasty chicken joint that’s famously closed on Sunday has a charitable branch called the WinShape Foundation, which runs a retreat which expressly prohibits homosexual couples. Plus they often give money to anti-gay organizations. Of course, this money they are giving to anti-gay organizations comes from every person who likes peanut-oil fried chicken nuggets with polynesian sauce. Yup, if you eat at Chick-fil-A this money comes from you.
I had already stopped purchasing drinks from them (which if you know the food industry you know that’s their highest profit item) because they use styrofoam cups. Morally, I can’t use styrofoam. It’s against what I believe in: a clean earth. So now that Chick-fil-A has been revealed as actively working against my homosexual friends and their basic rights, I will no longer patronize their business at all.
I think we have a moral responsibility to use our purchasing power wisely. In my small town there’s a significant gay community and a significant number of liberals. In a town this small alienating a significant percentage of the population will really hurt you, especially in this economy.
As a Pagan not only many of my friends are gay, but also many of my coven members, my elders, and yes, even my Gods, are gay. I’m not particularly close toZeus, for instance, but I certainly have no interest in incurring his wrath.
The sad thing I had always admired that Chik-fil-A stood up for it’s values by closing every Sunday. I had a lot of respect for that. The fact that they don’t respect their customers makes me regret every dollar I spent there. Is this a sacrifice? Well, I don’t suppose so. There is a Zaxby’s right down the street. Mmmm… I could eat a Zalad right now…
 by Star Foster
