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Lady Gaga Puts Senators On Notice Over DADT Repeal

Singer Lady Gaga has put Senators on notice over repeal of “Don't Ask,
 Don't Tell,” the 1993 law that bans gay and bisexual troops from 
serving openly.
Seated on an overstuffed sofa and wearing giant sunglasses, the pop 
singer puts senators on notice.
“Senators you have been put on notice by me and by the people of 
this country,” Lady Gaga says in the 2-minute, black-and-white clip.
 “You said you would debate and address this law when the Pentagon
 returned with a strategy and tomorrow morning you will have it.
 Will you keep your word?”
The Alejandro singer adds that the law “reinforces discrimination,”
 which is partially responsible for an alarming gay teen suicide rate.
“Kids are being led to believe that it's OK to hate and condemn based
 on our differences. And this recent horrific news of gay suicides is
 really proof of our social repression and ultimately government 
repression that is killing our youth.” (The video is embedded in the
 right panel of this page.)
Lady Gaga led a one-celebrity campaign against the policy in the fall
 when the Senate first attempted to repeal the ban. She walked the 
